Sunday, December 16, 2007

Our first 'Designer Spotlight' belongs to...

Eden's Bouquet! This is one of my very favorite clothing lines for children. Each exquisitely designed and crafted piece is an amazing work of art! They are very romantic and classic in style and often made from luxurious imported fabrics. They sell only to brick and mortar stores and are sold by a select few stores who also have websites. Due to the fact that stores have to mark their items up quite a bit to make a profit, Eden's Bouquet clothing is very hard to find on a great sale. BUT, here's a hint...if you find you love Eden's Bouquet as much as I do, visit their online shop and click on their sale link. Many of their amazing pieces are discounted as much at 50% off! Some styles are now very limited in size, but there are many other gorgeous items to choose from! While you are there, be sure to check out the jewelry made to match their clothing line

Let me give you the best hint of all...Eden's Bouquet sells for a premium on ebay, meaning that if you buy an item on sale and wear it for a season (you must take very good care of tumble drying, only line dry to keep it in excellent condition), you can very often resell it for more than you paid! Anyone who knows me knows that I am a big cheerleader for ebay. I buy designer clothes for my daughter, she wears them for a full season (again, I keep take the best care of them that I can) and then I often sell them for a profit (or at least break even so that her clothes are paid for from year to year)! I will go into that in detail in February for those of you who are interested in giving ebay a try, but were too nervous to do so. Believe me, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain

A little background on Eden's Bouquet which comes straight from their website:

Nestled in the foothills of Mt.St. Helens, Eden's Bouquet was born out of Jennifer Stenersen's romantic imagination of fairytales & folklore. Created in 2003 and inspired by her eight children,each piece is designed with comfort in mind using a palette of faded colors & earthy tones detailed with exquisite trims & handmade embellishments. Designs are often drafted from vintage patterns found on treasure hunts,this combined with luxurious fabrics & local production make for a fairytale ending

If you need a very special dress for your little one for a very special occasion, they will custom make a couture gown for you as well. Just this week they have added handmade furniture and linens.

Please send in your comments...I'd love to hear from you! Please pass this on to your friends as well!

Have a wonderful week full of holiday cheer!


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